Hey everyone! I've only ever done one empties post on here before so I've saved up a few items that I've used up over the past 5 months, weirdly enough it's not a very varied list but a lot of the same product have been used up and I'm guilty of throwing a few things …


Hey loves! A while back now I started to show little parts of my makeup collection with you and I'm back again with one of my biggest parts besides my palettes my lipsticks! I have 4 different types of storage for my lipsticks and there isn't really a rhyme or reason as to the order …


Hey loves! Todays post is basically me giving you an idea of how bankrupt I am. I've seen the 'How much is my makeup collection worth?' post floating around and I'm stealing the idea from Brooke and Cassi! I thought it would be fun to show you how much my own makeup collection is worth, …